Our Land Development team work in conjunction with home owners, developers, Councils, contractors, consultants, plumbers and builders to provide water and sewerage services to our growing residential and business communities.

As a statutory Referral Authority, we receive planning permit applications from seven Council's (Campaspe, Greater Shepparton, Mansfield, Mitchell, Moira, Murrindindi and Strathbogie) which is based on our servicing region. We review these applications for water & sewer requirements and place planning permit conditions on them. Some of the criteria we take into consideration is:

  • existing water and/or sewer infrastructure
  • proposed parcel (Lot) sizes
  • location of land in relation to GVW water supply / sewer districts
  • zoning of the land
  • potential for future development

Depending on these Permit conditions, applicants may be required to have works carried out by licenced plumber or will be required to undertake Developer Works or both.

Once all of our Permit conditions have been satisfied, GVW will issue Consent to Statement of Compliance of the subdivision (if applicable).

You have any further queries, please send us an email.