We have various operation manuals for our water treatment plants, wastewater management facilities and sewage pump stations. When a new asset is constructed the Operation Manuals assist our operators to effectively and efficiently operate infrastructure while providing high quality services.  In accordance with our Asset Management Policy we are committed to continuous improvement of our Operation Manuals.

Guides for writing an Operation Manual for a new asset can be found below.

Template for Operations Manual (Word, 119kb)

Operation Manual Specifications (PDF, 67kb)

Operation Manual Writing Guide (PDF, 130kb)

Template for Functional Diagram (VSD, 72kb)

AutoCAD Drawing Template (PDF, 39kb)

UPDATE 15 October 2019
The Maintenance Requirements template is currently under review and unavailable online. We'll provide links to the updated versions once they become available. If you have any questions, please contact us on 5832 4800.