3 December 2024
Works will begin in January to improve the wastewater process in a key treatment lagoon at the Shepparton Wastewater Management Facility.

The project will involve ‘desludging’ the floor of one of the key wastewater treatment lagoons at the Shepparton facility to remove a layer of organic matter known as biosolids, that has accumulated at the bottom of the lagoon over a number of years.

Desludging works are generally required every 10-15 years, and involves pumping the layer of biosolids at the bottom of the lagoon to a nearby paddock to dry, where it can then be beneficially reused as a soil conditioner.

The project is aiming to remove about 30,000 cubic metres of biosolids, which will help to increase treatment capacity of the lagoon as well as help reduce the potential for odour. Works are set to begin around January 13 and are expected to be completed by May.

The project has been specifically timed over summer to speed up the biosolid drying and processing time.

Goulburn Valley Water will put in place measures to prevent odour and minimise impact in the event of an odour occurrence. This includes spreading lime and misting as needed, as well as implementing odour reduction options, proactive odour monitoring will be in place.

Goulburn Valley Water Managing Director Steve Capewell said the desludging is part of regular proactive maintenance that is required periodically to ensure the lagoon can run as effectively as possible.

“The Shepparton facility treats about 6.5 gigalitres of wastewater each year, and these works are really important to help ensure the aerated lagoon continues to function efficiently,” he said.

“Desludging is a very normal process at treatment lagoons, and GVW has a program to ensure all lagoons operate as best as possible through a range of optimisation programs like this one.”

The works are occurring on a section of lagoon that follows the major primary treatment lagoon, meaning there is likely to be less odour as the wastewater has already been partially treated.

If nearby residents do experience odour from the works, people can report it to GVW’s Customer Service Centre on 1800 454 500.

People can stay up to date by visiting the project page on the GVW website: Shepparton lagoon desludging works | Goulburn Valley Water