3 March, 2025
Goulburn Valley Water (GVW) will start works to replace the water supply pipeline along Fair Street Shepparton on 11 March.
People living on or near Fair Street may be impacted by the works as roads and footpaths will be closed from 7am until 6pm on weekdays and all vehicles will need to be moved off the street during work hours.
Residents will be able to access their home by foot during these times but the traffic interruptions in and around Fair Street may cause delays for commuters.
The replacement of the pipeline is part of a five year-$13 million water main upgrade program.
GVW Managing Director Dr Steve Capewell said that water pipeline replacement was necessary to ensure a continued reliable supply of water to customers.
“We have been in contact with Fair Street residents. There may be disruptions during works, but the project will lead to service improvements by reducing bursts and water supply interruptions to these customers,“ Dr Capewell said.
As part of the replacement project, GVW is trialling a new product to safely treat the old pipeline. The existing pipeline is made from asbestos cement, which was commonly used to build pipes before 1950. The pipeline safely transports water when it is in the ground, but when it is being removed, broken pipeline can be hazardous.
“We are excited to be leading this trial, which is a world first using this technique and product.
“The new product will hold all the broken pipeline in place, so it does not cause any harm to workers or residents. This replacement technique could benefit water businesses across Australia in the future.”
People will notice Goulburn Valley Water and contractors wearing protective equipment during the works. The water supply pipeline, which is located under the nature strip, will be isolated during the works and the work team will be doing daily air testing to make sure the site and surrounding area remains safe.
The works are being conducted by lead contractor Ashworth Demolition. They will work with GVW staff and be supported by Rankin Plumbing, R&R McClure Excavations, WSP Engineers and CAF Consulting.
Worksafe, the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) and Greater Shepparton City Council have all been notified that the replacement trial is taking place.
GVW will provide regular updates on their website as the project progresses. This will include via SMS –you can register your mobile number to receive messages email gvwcommunications@gvwater.vic.gov.au
If you have any questions or would like more information about the works you can also phone our Customer Service Centre on 1800 454500 or access information here (www.gvwater.vic.gov.au.projects/current-projects/water-main-replacement-program).

Goulburn Valley Water Team Leader Water and Sewer - Central Operations Stephen Burns, Rankin Plumbing Project Manager Zach Connell, CAF Consulting Senior Water Engineer Steve Nash and Goulburn Valley Water Project Manager Paul Baker.