20 June 2024

Fully treated wastewater from Goulburn Valley Water's Nagambie, Yea and Mansfield wastewater management facilities will be released over the coming weeks.

Following recent rain and localised flooding in January, the wastewater storage lagoons at Yea and Nagambie are both reaching capacity. The release will be up to about 1 megalitre (ML) per day into Wormangal Creek at Nagambie and Yea River.

The storage at Mansfield is also nearing capacity and up to 3ML per day of fully treated wastewater will be released into Ford Creek under Environment Protection Authority (EPA) approval, while construction is underway on an additional 250ML storage to help meet increased capacity needs.

GVW wastewater and recycling coordinator Stuart Harris said discharging excess fully treated wastewater from GVW’s storages helped to reduce any potential for uncontrolled overflows.

Mr Harris said releases would continue until storages were back to a manageable level. The water being released has been fully treated and meets Class C standards.

GVW has informed the EPA of these releases and will monitor for any unexpected impacts on the environment. Strict water quality monitoring processes remain in place to protect the health of local communities and environments.

If people have any questions, they can call GVW’s 24/7 Customer Service Centre on 1800 454 500.