GVW's Water Cafe
Where you'll find us in coming weeks
We're proud to support community events across our region. We'll have our water cafe out and about over the next couple of months - come and say hi and grab a cup of free water if you're at any of these events!
♦ Saturday 25 November | Burnanga Indigenous Fishing Club launch, Dunyak Moira (104 Morrisey St) Merrigum
♦ Sunday 17 December | Carols by Candlelight, Queens Gardens, Shepparton
Customer newsletter review
Our customer newsletter is an important way for us to share information with you about your water and wastewater services, as well as upcoming projects or new developments.
We'd like to know what you want to read about or need to know, and how and when you prefer to receive information.
Take our short (5 min) feedback survey to shape how we design future newsletters.
► Customer newsletter feedback