Every five years we develop an Urban Water Strategy, which forms part our planning to help secure our water future.

While water supplies are currently secure across our region, water use is likely to double over the next 50 years, with forecasts in our strategy showing that population growth and changes in our climate will contribute to higher levels of water use across our entire service area.

Water usage is linked to the amount of wastewater we also treat, so with rising levels of use we anticipate our wastewater treatment capacities will also need to be expanded in some regions, particularly in high-growth areas.

The strategy covers anticipated needs and requirements for the next 50 years, to ensure we have the right mix of actions in place to support the development of resilient and liveable communities now and into the future.

It assesses our water supplies and wastewater management for each of our 13 supply systems across our region, and identifies future water use requirements based on population growth, climate change and other variable factors.

► Read our 2022 Urban Water Strategy (PDF, 7MB)