Did you know that between 25 and 50 per cent of a household's water is used outdoors? There's plenty of ways you can cut down your outdoor water use without impacting on your lifestyle.
In the garden
♦ Follow the Permanent Water Saving Rules and only water your garden and lawns between 10pm and 6am - otherwise you'll lose water with evaporation
♦ Aim for longer, infrequent watering which encourages drought-tolerant root growth. Consider how often you water - many plants tolerate less watering than you think
♦ Mulch your garden beds - this can reduce evaporation by 70 per cent
♦ Consider installing a rainwater tank - use it on the garden, or connect it to the plumbing for your laundry or toilet
♦ Drip irrigation systems are one of the most water efficient ways to water your garden
♦ Use a tap timer and flow restrictor or tap aerator on your garden taps
♦ If you're establishing a new garden, look for drought-tolerant plant varieties and consider how to layout your garden based on water needs, sunlight and shade.
Fryers St headquarters garden
Our headquarters at 104-110 Fryers St, Shepparton, is home to a water efficient garden to provide people ideas to implement in thier own gardens. Having a water wise garden doesn't necessarily mean compromising on having a beautiful garden. Ours promotes three different garden types popular in the Goulburn Valley - native, cottage and succulent. We've put together a guide to show you what our garden involves.
You can download a copy of our Planting Guide here (PDF, 2.2MB).

Pools and spas
♦ Only top up when needed - and use rainwater if you have a rainwater tank
♦ Use a water-efficient pool cover to reduce evaporation
♦ Reduce the backwash onn your filter
♦ Check your pool or spa for leaks
Permanent Water Saving Rules outdoors
♦ Make sure your hose is leak-free and fitted with a trigger nozzle
♦ Use a bucket to wash your car or boat
♦ Use a broom or a blower to clean hard surfaces like paths, decks or driveways
♦ Make sure any water fountains recirculate the water
Want more information? Visit the Smart Water Advice website for more tips and tricks to make your garden water efficient.