Water is a precious resource and we rely on it every day. So, we need to use it wisely. 

The previous years have been drier and hotter than what we normally experience in Northern Victoria and as a result, we've seen lower inflow levels into some of our water storages. Some of our storages dropped to levels unseen for some time in early 2019, and we had to introduce Stage 2 water restrictions in some towns. 

So, we need everyone's help to ensure the sustainability of this critical resource and ensure there's enough for everyone throughout the year. We're asking all of our customers to make every drop count and take a few simple measures in their home or garden to reduce consumption - we want people to use water more efficiently and in smarter ways. We have tips and tools on this page to help save water and make every drop count.

There are Permanent Water Saving Rules in place to use water more efficiently all the time Water Restrictions | Goulburn Valley Water

Calculate your home's water usage

Curious about how much water you use around the home, or wanting to know what's the biggest consumer of water - a shower or the dishwasher? Find out how much water you're using around the home with this water calculator: it's easy to use and will guide you through your usage in different parts of the home and calculate your usage in comparision to the average household. 


What can I do? 

+ Download our Permanent Water Saving Rules guide
+ Download our top tips to save water around the home fact sheet
+ Find more information and tips to save water around your home and garden below

Easy ways to save water in your home

  • Keep your showers to four minutes. Taking shorter showers is one of the best ways to help conserve water.
  • Wait until your dishwasher or washing machine is fully loaded before you turn it on.
  • Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth or shave.
  • Wash your vegetables and rinse dishes in a plugged sink or basin – not under a running tap.
  • Install a WELS 4-star rated water saving showerhead and WELS 4-star rated water efficient taps to save on water and energy costs. 

Easy ways to save water in your garden

  • Use a broom or rake rather than a hose to clean your driveways and hard surfaces.
  • Plant for the climate and soil in your area.
  • Apply 7 - 10 cm of mulch around plants to help save water lost through evaporation.
  • Get rid of weeds as they take water away from the plants you want to grow.
  • Group plants with similar needs so they all get the right amount of water without wasting any.

Frequently Asked Questions

When are water restrictions likely to be introduced?

We do everything we can to avoid introducing water restrictions, but sometimes we need to so we can ensure continuity of supply for all customers. 

We have Drought Response Plans for each of our supply systems, which identify triggers as to when we may consider introducing restrictions. These triggers are also based on our forecast models, and take into account actual water demand. 

In the first instance, we'll work with communities to help them reduce their water consumption voluntarily. If we are required to introduce restrictions, we'll provide plenty of information about what that means and when they'll be in effect from. 

Do Permanent Water Saving Rules apply to me?

Permanent Water Saving Rules (PWSR) were introduced across the entire state of Victoria following the Millenium Drought. They are a simple set of rules designed to encourage people to use water efficiently. 

These rules are in effect for all customers of Goulburn Valley Water, unless a higher level of water restrictions is in place. 

Key rules are:

  • You can only water your lawn with an automatic or manual watering system between 6pm and 10am. 
  • Handheld hoses that are leak-free and fitted with a trigger nozzle can be used at any time
  • Fountains and water features must use recirculated water
  • Use a broom or a blower to clean hard surfaces like decks, paths and driveways.


What is GVW doing to manage water availability?

We have a number of measures in place to ensure we can supply water to all of our customers and follow a number of water security and drought response preparedness plans. 

We've initiated network leak detection programs in areas vulnerable to water supply issues, and we also have options in place for many of our regions to supplement supply.


What is Target Your Water Use?

Target Your Water Use is a voluntary water efficiency program developed by the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)  to encourage regional Victorians living and working in urban areas to use water wisely. Target Your Water Use provides Victorians with easy access to the information they need to make informed decisions about how they use water. It recognises that each regional water corporation faces its own unique circumstances and challenges, meaning a one-size-fits-all approach may not work for each regional area. You can find more information on the Target Your Water Use website.