For developments that require the construction of new water and sewerage infrastructure Goulburn Valley Water requires developers to use a Goulburn Valley Water Accredited Consultant and a Land Development Contractor. 

The accreditation of a contractor by Goulburn Valley Water is solely for the purpose of identifying particular contractors who may conduct developer works.

That accreditation by Goulburn Valley Water:

  • is not a recommendation or endorsement of a particular contractor
  • does not create a contractual relationship with the contractor, therefore Goulburn Valley Water cannot provide any direction to the contractor
  • it is the Developer and the Accredited Consultant who retain responsibility in relation to the design and construction of the developer works, including supervision of any contractor.

Construction contractors are accredited to carry out water and/or sewer reticulation extension works and can be found via our list in the right-hand box below.

If you are a contractor with relevant experience in constructing water or sewer assets and wish to apply for accreditation with Goulburn Valley Water please select either of the following options:

  • If you have an existing accreditation with another metropolitan and/or regional water authorities, apply via the first box below (Contractor Accreditation Process).
  • If you only have relevant experience in constructing water or sewer assets, apply via the middle box below (Provisional Contractor Application Process).

Contact us at Att: Land Development, if you require further information about the accreditation process.

Please note: GVW does not provide accreditation or maintain a list for specialised services. These services are generally procured through public tender when required.