Key project summary
- Goulburn Valley Water is proposing to construct a 7km pipeline from Numurkah Water Treatment Plant to Katunga Water Treatment Plant
- Katunga is supplied with bore water which has higher than average salinity and calcium levels, impacting taste, and calcification of household items such as air conditioners and coffee machines
- Stage 1 of work to address these water quality issues took place over 2021 and subsequent results have led to a decision to transport water from an alternative source
- A further two stages are following on from this work, with design currently underway, and construction anticipated for 2024-25
- Plans to install a hydration station (drinking fountain) in Katunga have been postponed due to this water quality issue, but customers are invited to provide feedback on this decision by clicking here - should GVW install the unit now, or wait until the water quality issue has been resolved?

About the project
Katunga is a bore water supplied system, GVW’s only source of this type. Historically GVW has supplied Katunga’s 105 properties via two bores. Regular testing occurs at allocated points in Katunga to assess the water quality as part of GVW’s water quality testing protocols for all potable supplies.
Historically, due to the groundwater source, salinity and calcium results in this system have read higher than average. Even though all tested parameters fall within the safe range of the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, they do at times fall outside the aesthetic range.
Supporting this data, customers have provided feedback about the taste, and the calcification of household items such as air conditioners and coffee machines, and as such a pipeline to supply water from a neighbouring system is now in planning.
The current proposed alignment falls within road or public (rail) reserves, with the preferred layout still to be finalised. Customers and community will be kept informed as discussions and plans progress, including potential opportunities for landholders along the pipeline route to tap into the supply under 'water by agreement'. Any opportunities to engage or provide feedback will be advised as the project evolves.
Additionally, while the water provided to Katunga customers continues to meet the flow (pressure) range of the GVW customer charter, customer feedback has led to pressure improvement also being included in this project.
Information regarding earlier work to address water quality in Katunga, including Stage 1 of this project, can be seen at this link.
Hydration station roll out
Additionally, as part of the 2018-2023 Price Plan, Goulburn Valley Water made a commitment to install hydration stations (drinking fountains) in every town on a drinking water supply. This aligned with a community request to have a hydration station installed at the Katunga Recreation Reserve to service community and sporting events in the town.
The last of those hydration stations was installed in June last year.
While GVW was working to improve the water quality in the town by drilling a new bore in 2021, installation of the hydration station allocated to Katunga was deferred.
Because the water quality didn't improve, GVW made the decision to hold off installing the unit until this issue was resolved. While the water currently supplied to Katunga is safe to drink, we thought installing the unit when the alternative water supply was in place in 2025 would be preferable, instead of proceeding with the installation in 2023 in order to meet the Price Plan commitment.
But we are seeking feedback on this decision from residents and community members - do you think GVW should go ahead and install the hydration station to supply drinking water from the current groundwater source, or wait until the Numurkah-Katunga pipeline has been installed before putting a unit in the town?
If you have a view on the timing of the installation of the hydration station allocated to Katunga, or have other feedback you would like to provide regarding Katunga's water supply, we would love to hear from you via a short survey at this link.
Customers with feedback on this matter or other GVW matters can contact or 1800 45 45 00 (24hr).