Not-for-Profit Rebate Scheme
The Victorian State Government funds a rebate to eligible community service organisations on the fixed service charge component of accounts issued by us.
The rebate is available to not-for-profit organisations throughout Victoria which serve their community in the fields of:
- education
- hospitals or nursing care
- religious worship
- charity
- outdoor sporting or recreation activities
- war veterans' organisations
The rebate is for eligible organisations for each account they receive (if multiple properties), provided that the dominant activity at the property falls within one of the above categories. This will apply whether the organisation owns the property or not.

The rebate is available to not-for-profit educational organisations throughout Victoria
Rebates may also be available to individuals provided they are the owners of a property used predominantly by an eligible organisation.
Rebates will be shown as a credit note on your account.
If you think your organisation may be eligible, you should complete an Application Form or contact our Customer Service Staff on 1300 360 007 for more information.