Water is a precious resource and we rely on it every day. So, we need to use it wisely. There's plenty of things you can do around your home or garden to make every drop count.
Times are tough right now, and every household is affected. So if you need extra time or support to pay your next bill, our local team is ready to help.
We provide water and wastewater services to a population of 135,000 in 54 towns who are connected to 37 water supply systems and 26 wastewater management facilities.
If you are out and about this summer with the family or a pet then this page will help you to locate one of our 74 permanent hydration stations.
Our plan will see us continue to deliver affordable and reliable essential services for our customers, but also maintain and improve infrastructure to help us meet future challenges.
We are committed to the health and safety of our people, customers and community.
A partnership with the Merrigum community and Burnanga Indigenous Fishing Club has allowed us to extend the opening hours of the recreational fishing facility. For more about the fishing ponds visit here
Our Gawarn Baring walking trail is now open at Trawool. After climbing the 2.2km to the top you will be able to enjoy spectacular views of our historic fish-filled reservoir. For details of the trail visit here.
Permanent Water Saving Rules are designed to help reduce unnecessary water use and encourage efficiency. Following these rules can help alleviate the stress household water usage puts on Victoria's water resources. What you can do under PWSRs
Outdoor water use accounts for about 20-50% of an Australian home's usage and is where huge amounts can be wasted. There are simple and easy things you can do in your garden to ensure you're using water efficiently. Optimising water in your garden
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