We are now making it much easier for you to access a refund when you have accidently or unknowingly overpaid your account.

All you need to do is visit our 104-110 Fryers Street, Shepparton office and ask one of our friendly Customer Services team to process an over-the-counter refund.

Please bring photo ID (a licence or a passport) and the Eftpos card attached to the account you would like the refund to be credited to.
Note: It is vital that the photo identification and the Eftpos card matches the name on the Goulburn Valley Water account.

You do not need a copy of your water bill.

This service is only available at our Fryers Street office in Shepparton. We will continue to offer our online form as an alternative for you to access funds.

►Just click this link - Request a Refund.

Please note if you have lodged a "Request a Refund" form then you will not be able to access an over-the-counter refund.

We are aware many customers are experiencing Cost of Living pressure.

If your water usage indicates your current payment arrangement is too high we will be calling you to discuss options to avoid an accumulation of high levels of credit.