We provide urban water services in accordance with the powers, functions and duties under the provisions of the Water Act 1989.
The Victorian State Government Department of Energy Environment and Climate Action (DEECA) is responsible for setting the legislative and regulatory framework that Victoria's water corporations operate within, including the establishment of legal and regulatory frameworks. To ensure we operate within these frameworks we have developed plans and strategies to ensure we balance supply, demand and security of water resources in our region.
Water Plan
The Essential Services Commission (ESC) is responsible for the economic regulation of the Victorian water sector, regulating prices, service standards and conditions of service for all Victorian water businesses. Our Price Plan sets out water and sewerage prices for our customers for a five year period - more information can be found in our Price Plan section.
commencing 1 July 2018. Details about our price submission process and final pricing determination can be found here.
Annual Water Outlook
Every year ahead of summer, we publish an Annual Water Outlook, which is a summary of our region's water supply and demand for the upcoming year. The outlook assesses potential water demand for the coming year and rainfall forecasts and climatic factors, as well as outlining actions we plan to take in the short, medium and long term to continue ensuring security of our water supplies. It also forecasts if any systems are likely to see water restrictions implemented in the coming year.
► Download a copy of our Annual Water Outlook, issued in December 2024 (PDF, 9MB)
Urban Water Strategy
An Urban Water Strategy (formerly Water Supply Demand Strategy) is completed by all Victorian Water Corporations every five years and considers water usage and water availability for a 50 year period. The purpose of our Urban Water Strategy (PDF, 7MB) is to identify any potential future shortfalls in the supply demand balance and identify the best mix of measures to address the shortfalls.
Drought Preparedness Plans
Our Drought Preparedness Plans are part of our Urban Water Strategy.
Drought Preparedness Plan: Katunga (PDF, 680kb)
Drought Preparedness Plan: Goulburn System (PDF, 570kb)
Drought Preparedness Plan: Murray System (PDF, 614kb)
Drought Preparedness Plan: Unregulated Systems (PDF, 2.5MB)

Our Drought Preparedness Plans are part of our Urban Water Strategy.