Every five years, all water corporations in Victoria are required to develop a pricing submission, which sets out our plan for the services we'll provide and the prices customers will pay. This is reviewed by an independent regulator, the Essential Services Commission.

Customers have told us they want us to keep bills affordable, but they also support us investing to maintain and improve infrastructure, as well as meeting our net zero carbon emissions target by 2035.

We know that financial pressures can affect any one at any time, so we’re investing more to support customers who may have trouble paying their water bill and encourage people to speak to us to see how we can help.

We know our climate is changing and more people are living regionally, so we must prepare for a future where we can provide services that meet our customers’ needs.

We want to invest in our infrastructure so we can keep delivering the services that customers trust sustainably, as well as leading projects that improve the health and prosperity of our region.

► Read our summary Price Plan 2023-28 (available soon).
► Read the full determination from the Essential Services Commission.
► Read our draft Price Submission 2023-28 that was presented to the Essential Services Commission.

Our promise

Our plan is centred on four key promises:

  • provide reliable water and wastewater services customers can trust
  • lead action and partner with communities to grow the region
  • care for the environment and adapt to a future impacted by climate variability
  • deliver respectful and responsive customer service, balancing affordability, value for money and fairness.

Our prices

Customers will see a slight incremental increase on prices over the next five years, but GVW will remain one of the lowest priced water corporations in Australia. We start this price period in a strong position and we will keep prices low and predictable over the next five years and beyond.

Our projects

We’re planning to invest more than $245 million over the next five years to renew and improve our critical infrastructure. This will help us continue delivering safe and reliable services, and also invest in future sustainability and regional prosperity. We’re also planning to invest on average $51m per year in operational expenditure between 2023-28, to deliver on projects to improve customer experience, build customer and community support initiatives and improve our business services.

Some key projects include:

  • large scale solar development
  • Katunga - new water supply pipeline
  • Shepparton - clear water storage increase
  • Nathalia - new water supply pipeline
  • Broadford - water treatment plant upgrade
  • Kilmore south - sewer upgrade
  • Nagambie - sewer pump station and rising main upgrade
  • Mansfield - winter storage increase, water treatment plant upgrade