
Consultants are required to submit a Feasibility Report to get the Land Development process under way.

Please use our Guide to Feasibility Report (Word, 277kb) as a reference for all submissions, simply delete the sections of the template that are not applicable to the development. The final accepted feasibility report forms part of the Developer Construct Agreement (PDF, 413kb), which Goulburn Valley Water issues to the Consultant for signing by the Developer.

Submit all Feasibility Reports to

Below you will find a range of information and documents that you may need to assist you through the Design phase.

Key documents

Consultants must refer to the WSAA Water and Sewer Codes aswell as GVW's water & sewer supplements when designing all new infrastructure:

► WSAA Melbourne Retail Water Agencies Water and Sewer Codes WSAA Shop: Melbourne Retail Water Agencies Codes | Water Services Association of Australia (to be purchased at own cost)

► GVW Supplement: WSAA (MRWA edition) Water Supply Code of Australia V2 (PDF, 512kb)

► GVW Gravity Sewerage Supplement - Agencies Edition of the WSAA Gravity Sewerage Code of Australia (PDF, 548kb)

These supplements describes GVW’s requirements for water supply and gravity sewerage works. It references the WSAA Water Supply Code of Australia, Melbourne Retail Water Agencies edition, Version 2.0 of WSA-03-2011-3.1 (the code) and the WSAA Gravity Sewerage Code of Australia, WSA-02-2014, Melbourne Retail Water Agencies edition, (the code). Also the MRWA water supply and gravity sewerage standards and associated specifications and tools. GVW variations from MRWA practice and GVW preferences are documented in the supplement and take precedence over the MRWA standards. These supplements (V2) came into effect from 1 January 2019.

Forms for submission

Once the Feasibility Report has been accepted, the Deed of Agreements signed and Initial Fee Invoice paid, Consultants are required to submit the Certification Documentation:

► Detailed Design - Water (PDF, 158kb)

► Detailed Design - Sewer (PDF, 180kb)

along with the Detailed Design plans for review.

The Certification Documents form part of the Agreement entered into between Goulburn Valley Water and the owner.

The Corporation will not act as an inspector or an approver of design, construction or administration of the works, we rely on the Consultant to certify to documents are correct. The 'As Constructed' Plans provided by the Consultant form part of the certification and if at any stage during the process things change or are no longer correct the Consultant must notify us in writing.

Submit all correspondence to