We service over 1,200 trade waste customers throughout our region. Combined, these businesses generate millions of litres of trade waste every single day. We work in partnership with these commercial and industrial businesses to manage the disposal of wastewater generated by their business activities.
Trade waste is all liquid waste including clean wash water used during business activities that is then discharged into the sewer network.
Our reticulated sewer systems and wastewater management facilities and network are primarily designed to accept and treat and convey typical domestic wastewater to a standard set by the Environment Protection Authority (EPA). These facilities and networks are less well equipped to adequately treat and convey trade waste from industrial and commercial operations as these discharges often have higher concentrations of contaminants that can be harmful to the greater sewer network.
Trade waste customers have responsibilities and obligations, and our trade waste program ensures that trade waste customers are charged according to the costs incurred in the collection, treatment and discharge of their waste.
Further details can be found in our Trade Waste Policy and Information Sheet , or contact our Business Customer Service team at tradewaste@gvwater.vic.gov.au or on 03 5832 4800.