Trade waste charges are determined by the Essential Services Commission (ESC). These fees and charges are based on the volume and quality of trade waste discharged to the sewer and are determined according to the following categories:

Commercial Trade Waste
Charges are included in your water and sewage account and consist of:

  • Application fee (where applicable)
  • Annual monitoring and inspection charge (administration fee)
  • Some commercial trade waste discharges will require metering and attract a volumetric dischage fee per kL.

Industrial Trade Waste
Charges are usually levied on a monthly basis and consist of:

  • Volumetric charge (kL)
  • Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)
  • Total Nitrogen (TKN)
  • Total Phosphorus
  • Sodium

For more information about trade waste charges refer to our Tariff Schedule (PDF, 435kb).

Any required trade waste pre-treatment device, chemical dosing, sampling or monitoring needs or discharge metering to Goulburn Valley Water’s standards is at the applicants cost.  Failure to meet any or all requirements set in your Trade Waste Consent or agreement may result in the cessation of supply of water or wastewater to your premises.

New builds or the expansion of an existing business that may require more water, a higher flow rate or the ability to discharge higher volumes of trade waste may incur New Customer Contributions in addition to the cost of water and/or sewer network augmentations to facilitate their requirements.

These requests are assessed on a case by case basis, please contact our Business Customer Service Team via or 03 5832 4800 to discuss your business’ needs.