Commercial and industrial businesses are divided into four categories depending on the nature and volume of their trade waste discharge.
“Deemed” (Category 1) Trade Waste Customers
These are customers who only discharge small volumes, and are usually the following business types:
- Hairdressers and barbers, including beauticians and nail salons.
- Tattoo/piercing establishments.
- Florists and garden supplies stores.
- Pet grooming, including pet washing facilities.
- Boarding kennels/catteries.
- Funeral parlours.
- Doctor surgeries (with no plaster, dental or medical imaging facilities available).
- Home catering utilising domestic kitchens (excludes separate purpose built kitchens).
- Opticians.
- Caravan parks & camping grounds.
- Health centres.
A business that fits the above classification is automatically entered into a trade waste consent to discharge (sample consent) with us to discharge trade waste. A trade waste application form is not required, and charges are not applied to "Deemed" trade waste customers.
Commercial (Category 2) Trade Waste Customers
Trade waste customers with a typically consistent 5-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) concentration < 600 mg/L are classified as a Commercial Trade Waste Customer, irrespective of the volume discharged.
Industrial (Category 3) Trade Waste Customers
Trade Waste customers with a typically consistent 5-day BOD concentration > 600mg/L are classified as an Industrial (Category 3) Trade Waste Customers, irrespective of the volume discharged.
Industrial (Category 4) Trade Waste Customers
Trade Waste customers with a typically consistent 5-day BOD concentration > 600mg/L are classified as an Industrial (Category 4) Trade Waste Customers, irrespective of the volume discharged. In the case of Category 4 customers, contributions are made towards major augmentation works.